Computer Virus

What is a computer virus?

Computer viruses, such as flu viruses, spread from host to host and can reproduce themselves. As influenza viruses cannot reproduce without a host cell, computer viruses cannot reproduce and spread without programs such as files or documents.

Technically, a computer virus is a type of malicious code or program written to change the way a computer works and is designed to spread from one computer to another. A virus inserts or attaches to a legitimate macro-enabled program or document in order to run its code. Viruses can have unexpected or dangerous effects, such as: system software through data corruption or destruction.

How does a computer virus attack?

After a virus has successfully attached itself to a program, file, or document, it remains inactive until circumstances cause the computer or device to run the code. In order for a virus to infect your computer, you need to run the infected program, which in turn leads to the execution of the virus code.

This means the virus can remain dormant on your computer without showing any basic signs or symptoms. However, once a virus infects your computer, it can infect other computers on the same network. Stealing passwords or data, registering keystrokes, corrupting files, spamming your email contacts, and even taking over your computer are just some of the destructive and annoying things a virus can do.

This means the virus can remain dormant on your computer without showing any basic signs or symptoms. However, once a virus infects your computer, it can infect other computers on the same network. Stealing passwords or data, registering keystrokes, corrupting files, spamming your email contacts, and even taking over your computer are just some of the destructive and annoying things a virus can do.

How do computer viruses spread?

In an always connected world, you can infect computer viruses in many ways, some of which are more obvious than others. Viruses can be spread via attachments to e-mails and text messages, downloading Internet files, and fake links to social media. Mobile viruses can infect your mobile device and smartphone from downloading shadow apps. Viruses can be hidden and disguised as attachments to share on social networks, eg. funny pictures, greeting cards or audio and video files.

To avoid contact with viruses, it is important to exercise caution when browsing the Internet, downloading files, and opening links or attachments. Never download attachments or emails you don't expect or files from websites you don't trust.

What are the signs of a computer virus?

A computer virus attack can produce a variety of symptoms. Here are some of them:

Frequent pop-ups. Popups can encourage you to visit unusual places. Or you may be asked to download an antivirus or other software program.

Changes to your homepage. For example, your regular homepage can turn to another website. You may also not be able to reset it.

Bulk e-mails are sent from your e-mail account. Criminals can take control of your account or send your name via email from another infected computer..

Frequent breakdowns. This virus can damage your hard drive. This can cause your device to freeze or freeze. This can also prevent your device from restarting.

Very slow computer performance. Sudden changes in processing speed can indicate that a virus is on your computer.

Unknown program that starts when the computer is turned on. When starting your computer, you may encounter an unknown program. You can also find it by checking the list of active applications on your computer.

Unusual activities, such as changing passwords. This may prevent you from logging in.

How to help protect against computer viruses?

How do you protect your device from computer viruses? Here are a few things you can do to keep your computer safe.


Use a reliable antivirus such as Norton AntiVirus Basic, and update it regularly with the latest virus definitions. Norton Security Premium provides additional protection for more devices and backups.

Don't click on pop-up ads.

 Always scan before opening email attachments. 

Always check the downloaded files with a file sharing program.

What are the different types of computer viruses?

1. Boot sector virus

This type of virus can take control when you start — or boot — your computer. One way it can spread is by plugging an infected USB drive into your computer.

2. Web scripting virus

This type of virus exploits the code of web browsers and web pages. If you access such a web page, the virus can infect your computer.

3. Browser hijacker

This type of virus “hijacks” certain web browser functions, and you may be automatically directed to an unintended website.

4. Resident virus

This is a general term for any virus that inserts itself in a computer system’s memory. A resident virus can execute anytime when an operating system loads.

5. Direct action virus

This type of virus comes into action when you execute a file containing a virus. Otherwise, it remains dormant.

6. Polymorphic virus

A polymorphic virus changes its code each time an infected file is executed. It does this to evade antivirus programs.

7. File infector virus

This common virus inserts malicious code into executable files — files used to perform certain functions or operations on a system.

8. Multipartite virus

This kind of virus infects and spreads in multiple ways. It can infect both program files and system sectors.

9. Macro virus

Macro viruses are written in the same macro language used for software applications. Such viruses spread when you open an infected document, often through email attachments.

How to remove computer viruses

There are two ways to get rid of computer viruses. One of them is handmade, homemade. Another option is to seek help from a reputable antivirus program.

Want to do it yourself?

There are many options for getting rid of computer viruses. This process usually starts with an Internet search. You may be asked to list a long list of steps. It can take time and experience to complete the process.

If you prefer an easier method, you can usually use an antivirus program to get rid of your computer viruses. For example, Norton AntiVirus Basic can rid your computer of many infections. This product can also protect users from future threats.

In addition, Norton also offers a free three-step virus cleaning package. This is how it works:

Run the free Norton Security Scan scan to scan your device for viruses and malware. Note: this does not work on Mac OS.

Get rid of existing viruses with the free virus and malware removal tool Norton Power Eraser. Need more help? Norton technicians can help you remotely access your computer to track and remove most viruses.

Install the latest security software to prevent future malware and virus threats.

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