Using Offline Blog Editor

Using Offline Blog Editor

You may have read blogs about different subjects online. You have also learnt how to create your blog account. Have you ever wondered how to edit and publish your blog post? Imagine a situation where you want to write or edit a blog post while travelling but there II is no internet connectivity. In the season, you will learn about using offline blog editors.

Offline Blog Editors

One of the most commonly used offline blog editors is windows level writer. There are several blog editors that you can use offline. One of these is explained below.

Windows live writer: it is a desktop blog-publishing application that can be used offline. It was launched by Microsoft. It works with various blogs. Like WordPress, Window live spaces, SharePoint Blog, Blogger, Live journey, Telligent Community, Journal home Blogging, Squarespace, etc.

Launching Windows Live Writer

Windows live writer lets you edit and create a blog post from your desktop. You can schedule all the upload date for your blog post. It also allows you to format the text, run spellcheck, select categories and add videos and graphics to your blog post. Before you start using windows live writer, you need to download and install it on your computer.

To use windows live writer:

Step 1: click the windows live writer icon.

Step 2: select WordPress as your blog service and enter your blog address, email address and your password.

Parts of windows live writer window

Let us familiarise ourselves with the parts of the windows live writer window. See image.

Similar to a Microsoft word window, Windows Live Writer has a Title Bar, Ribbon, Work Area and Status Bar. In addition, it has a Taskbar. An overview of the various parts of the window is given as follows:

Title Bar: It displays the name of the current document.

Ribbon: It consists of different types such as home insert and blog account each having various groups under them that help to perform specific tasks.

Taskbar: It contains options that allow you to set categories and tags for your post and schedule a date for the post.

 Work Area: It contains a blank page with a default text box, in which you can insert the title.

Status Bar: It allows you to see but your blog post will look like on published. It also displays whether your document is saved or unsaved.

Using Windows Live Writer

You have learnt about the parts of Windows Live Writer Window. Let us now learn how to type a blog post and publish it.

To use Windows Live Writer:

1. In the Enter a post title box, type the requested title.

2. Type your blog post in the Work area.

3. Apply the requested formatting changes using the options available in the various groups on the home tab.

4. Form the Taskbar, set at the requested categories and tags for your post and the edited blog post appears Below.

5. Click publish from the publishing group on the Home tab.

On clicking publish, you will be e redirected to the published blog post.

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