How to Earn Money In Youtube

How to earn money in youtube

Very .... Very... Easy......

If you are 18+ So you are start your youtube channel. 

How to sign up

1. Sign up process.

2. Register Your Name, Channel Name, Mobile number, Email, Address And Submit Now .

3. You receive OTP and Go to page right you OTP number.

4. All your process is Complete.

How to upload full Video and Short video

 In Pc

1. Open youtube in browser.

2. Go right side in Top bottom. Show a symbol For uploading Video.

3. Show to Two options upload video and uploading short clip . 

4. Click any option and show upload video and upload your make video.

In mobile

1. Open Youtube 

2. Down Side Show many symbols.

3. Click on middle Symbol how uploader symbol.

4. Show  a option upload video, upload short,

Upload live stream.

5. Choose any option and get start upload video or live video.

How to Monetization You youtube channel

In pc 

1. Open youtube.

2. Go right side In top bottom.

3. Show your email in top click in...

4. Show many option in your screen.

5. One option is your channel click in this option.

6. Auto show a new page of your channel.

7. Again Show many Option in left side.

8. Click on dollar symbol. This is a monetization option.

Youtube some conditions for advertising ads.

1. Condition is in your channel 1000 above subscribe.

2. Condition 4000 view in 1 day.

1 comment:

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